Sunday, June 23, 2013

Home Alone Too

Watching Home Alone 2 with my Grandma. She's wearing a bright pink blouse with white dress pants. She is super stylish and always tries to wear bright colors, teaching me the importance of standing out with my clothes. 

Yesterday's fashion research did not go as planned. There was not any opportunity to take pictures of all the THREE beautiful ladies that filled the party. And my own fashion sense did not go as planned. I ended up having three different OOTDs. And this one at the bottom was only my 2nd outfit.
I had a black and white pinstriped tight business pants from Dots underneath for the church's cold atmosphere and for my urge to not wear just a dress. My 3rd outfit was with the same pants except with a white button down half-sleeved. 

On the upside, I've kept up my research on busking. Here's a video of what I want to see if I get to go to London:

And if possible, I would love to do some busking myself. If allowed, I would find a cello and jam with my good friend Kala Grae and her amazing singing voice.

Fashion insider of the day?  don't change up your wardrobe just cuz you realize it's not in style. Change up your own clothes. Cut up some jeans. There are tons of DIY videos. 

On my goals for the summer. I had breakfast today. Have not gotten to yoga just yet but the day's not over. I made the effort to dress up though. Not much, I'm wearing some plain blue jean shorts with a plain white tee. But it's still something, HAHA.


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